Feel Your Feet


  • Improving your skiing starts with paying attention to the pressure and sensations under your feet during each turn.

  • This increased awareness helps you develop better balance, edge control, adaptability to different terrain, and confidence.

  • Exercises designed to strengthen your feet, properly fitted boots, and targeted drills will help you become a better skier and racer.

The importance of feeling the pressure under your feet and how the Shuffle Drill will help develop the awareness of your feet is demonstrated by this video.

Video by CARV

Feel your Feet

Feeling your feet while skiing will significantly improve your performance on the slopes and in a race course.

  1. You will feel pressure under the ball of your foot when you start a new turn by flexing the outside ankle toward the big toe. This is the first step in creating edge angle on the new outside ski.

  2. The pressure will shift to the arch of your foot as your body moves over your feet and down the hill. This transition happens naturally and does not require a separate movement.

  3. Applying pressure against the middle part of the ski with the arch of your foot will cause the ski to bend, carve and accelerate.

Image by ARM using ChatGPT of Open Ai.

Ski Zenit Ski School of Switzerland uses the Pivot Slip Drill to demonstrate how pressure on the feet move from the big toe to the pinky toe.

Video by Beat the Clock

Low Tuck Stance

When skiing in a low tuck stance, concentrate on your skis gliding flat on their bases by feeling pressure evenly on the arches of your feet. View the Speed module to learn more.

Foot Exercises

Develop your awareness, strength, mobility and balance of your feet by performing these exercises.

Boots Make a Difference

Make sure your ski boots fit well and provide proper support. Learn how to choose and fit your boots correctly.

Specific Drills

  • When performing drills pay close attention to the sensations in your feet.

  • The "Get Over It" drill, designed to help you move forward, is also an excellent exercise for feeling how pressure shifts from one foot to the other. View this video.

Video by Burke Mountain Acadmey

Key Takeaways

  1. Improved Balance, Edge Control and Stability: Heightened awareness of your feet enables precise weight distribution between skis, creating the correct amount of edge angle for the desired arc of a turn, and enhancing overall stability and confidence.

  2. Drills, Equipment and Exercises: Practice drills like the Shuffle Drill, make sure your boots fit properly, and do exercises designed to strengthen your feet.

Suggested Learning Modules

Return to Flex the Outside Ankle

Important Message: Skiing and ski racing involve inherent risks. It’s essential to ski responsibly and stay within your skill level and personal comfort limits.