Shorten the Inside Leg
DIA Picture Alliance/Alamy
Movement 6: Shorten your inside leg to increase edge angle and pressure on your outside ski.
This action is especially effective on steep terrain.
This description is the sixth of eight modules included in the Ski Technique module, describing how elite skiers and racers carve turns.
“The outside leg is the brawn, and the inside leg is the brains”. Deb Armstrong, former U.S. Ski Team and Olympian.
Shorten your inside leg by raising your inside heel and thigh while rolling your inside ankle and knee toward the snow.
The tighter the turn or the steeper the slope, the more you should perform this movement.
The movements to shorten the inside leg begin at the start of a new turn.
Image by DIA Picture Alliance/Alamy/Graphics by ARM
Observe Henrik Kristoffersen of Norway as he shortens his inside leg in the video below. Pay close attention, and you’ll notice how the tail of his inside ski rises slightly.
Video by Filip Chwistek
Caution — Prevent Falling Sideways with these Key Movements
Your shoulders need to be level by Separating just below the shoulders when shortening your inside leg. This action will prevent your body leaning away from the outside ski and falling sideways. Review Stack, Separate and Press
It is very important there is no pressure on your inside ski.
Shortening the inside leg is effective when skiing on steep terrain as demonstrated by Mikaela Shiffrin.
Mikaela Shiffrin/Image by I.P.A Sil/Alamy/Graphics by ARM
Javelin Drill
The Javelin Drill will help you focus on these key actions:
Shortening the inside leg
Rolling the inside ankle and knee towards the inside of the turn.
Watch Deb Armstrong demonstrate the Javelin Drill.
Video by Ski Strong
Key Takeaways
Skilled racers increase Edge Angles especially on steep terrain, by shortening their inside leg by lifting their heel and thigh, and rolling the inside ankle and knee toward the snow.
This movement should begin at the same time the outside ankle starts to flex forward to start a new turn.
Its crucial to ensure there is no pressure on the inside ski and your shoulders are level by separating just below the shoulders.
Suggested Learning Modules
Go to Ski Technique 7 Release and Level the Hips
Return to Ski Technique or Ski Steep Terrain
Important Message: Skiing and ski racing involve inherent risks. It’s essential to ski responsibly and stay within your skill level and personal comfort limits.